~a few changes~
I get to make a few changes in my life. I am overweight. I need to lose about 60 pounds to be healthy. I have dieted for about a year now, but I haven't been successful. I give up after about a month I get to a standstill or too busy and I fail. I don't want to fail. If other people can do it I can too. I am going to try to be more committed and more hard on myself. I am not going to give in to that one thing of french fries or any little food that is bad for me. I am pretty good in the beginning but as time passes on I give in more and more until I am off the diet. I am always on the go and fast food is about all I can have for lunch. I have to decide over my health and food. I don't like who I am now. I don't like how I look. I am getting to where I can't even fit into the biggest clothes stores carry. That is too big. Lately I have been depressed and I have eaten all the time sometimes almost all day. I had lost about 20 pounds about 3 months ago and I have gained it all back. I am going to start eating better. I am going to start getting on the tredmill at least 3 times a week for as long as I can handle. If I get off track I am going to get right back on the next day. I am going to do better.
~a few new guidelines~
No fried foods
No Pizza
No giving in
No cheating
~a few new guidelines~
No fried foods
No Pizza
No giving in
No cheating