~the longest week ever~
When is the week ever going to end My god I don't know how much more I can take Sleep is just about nonexistant so you know what that means I am walking around looking like a zombie and acting like a total bitch
I am so tired! It was such a long day it is hard to keep my eyes open. I hate going to work until I get there once I am there I am fine with it I actually love it at times, but when I leave and think about going back I have feelings of hatred, any suggestions???
~hello peoples~
oh what a fool I was....I thought seeing as it was a new start with the new semester maybe just maybe the professor would be a little different. wooptyfuckindo who would have ever thought I would be wrong sigh I had high hopes I guess. It is gonna be one long ass year. ~insert curse words here~
So I studied my ass off for the very first test....I coulda taught this shit I knew it so good. I only made a B talk about pissing me the fuck off. It was a really low B at that!?! ~more curse words here~
My thoughts right now is I dont give a fuck