vote vote vote
Tomorrow is a pretty big day. People have their own opinions on who the next president should be. I have been for Kerry from the start. I don't agree with Bush on a lot of things. Where I live I see men like Bush all the time I see people who look like him, act like him, and have his same values. I have been torn on who I should vote for but I have done my research and I have watched all the news and debates. I am not saying Bush is wrong or right I just don't agree with him on a few things but you may agree with him and that is great because everyone has their own opinion and their own vote THAT is the wonderful thing about America. Before you go to place your vote I have a few requests. Tomorrow take the time to actually vote because every vote counts and when you do THINK OUT OF THE BOX don't vote for someone who discriminates against people for any reason. We are America and we have freedom Don't take away from some people just because you don't understand. When you think about the issues put yourself if that person's shoes. Think about things like not having jobs having to support your family and drugs being your only way to bring in enough money for your family think about how hard that kind of decision would be to make when that is all you know. Think about schools not having enough money to buy books for children to learn. Think about someone telling you can't get married to someone you love just because other people don't understand. Think about fighting in a war fighting for your life and not having to right equipment to keep you safe and alive. Think about EVERYTHING and think about how many people WON'T think out of the box so get out and vote for America