Nursing Stress

My take on nursing one day at a time

Thursday, October 28, 2004

~A good day~

I know I am usually fussing all the time but today it was so different so I wanted to share my experience because it was so wonderful.
Today was a busy day in clinical. I really wasn't wanting to go today because I thought it would just be the same thing I always do, but I was wrong. When I got on the floor my usual lady was waiting to get a shower and it was too early for her shower. You see she does physical therapy from 9-9:30. The lady taking care of her obviously didn't look at anything about her before she decided to give her a shower she was just in a hurry So the great thing is my lady REMEMBERED me oh my god totally made my day This is a lady who has severe memory problems where she doesn't remember anything short term BUT SHE REMEMBERED HOW GOOD I TREAT HER. I could have just fell out in the floor with total joy. all of the stress I have been through that totally made it all worth it. THAT is why I want to be a nurse because I have already made a difference in someone's life already and SHE says I am number one in her book.
So this lady takes her in the shower in a hurry which ticked me off because she wasn't doing a good job and it started to make me mad because I don't like to see her get treated bad. I had to help give another bath so I ran her over to physical therapy and had to leave her for a while :( I like my one on one time with her and she didn't want me to leave. So it gets even better...
I had to give a bed bath today. Well another student was with me and the workers there decided they would be funny and see just how good we really are. They were laughing when they dropped us off at our room. So we walked in to see someone who couldn't move their arms AT ALL NO MOVEMENT. Legs nope no movement either. This person never said anything but kept smiling at us as we were struggling because we had not done anything that difficult before but you know what WE DID IT ALL BY OURSELVES. It felt so good to do something we were not so prepared for but we did it. Our instructor was so shocked to find out we did it without any help because that was a very hard thing to do. We put our minds to getting this person the bath they needed and we did just that. I think it is the little things in life that mean the most. Just helping someone get a bath when they are not able puts a smile on my face. I feel so accomplished today. It was also funny to see the look on those shocked workers faces when they seen that we really are THAT GOOD!


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