Nursing Stress

My take on nursing one day at a time

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

1st test

My head feels like someone beat me with a fucking bat...throbbing PAIN! I should take something but I don't like taking medicine.

So my first test I made a 92 on wahooooooo go me It was easier than I thought it was going to be but then again it was only the first test. I know people who have taken this one class before and they say everyone does good on the first test and the second it almost impossible to pass. That just makes me feel like so good.

I have so much damn reading to do that I keep putting off. I have a test in my other class on Tuesday and I haven't did any reading for it so that should be fun. I have about 10 chapters to read this week so much fucking fun I can't wait to start. I am really starting to hate this I really am and it scares me. In skills lab today I was thinking about how much I was starting to hate it, but when I was practicing the stuff I liked it. I think it is just the shit they put us through getting ready to take the NCLEX which I think is bullshit because they say they are teaching us stuff that hasn't been used for over 50 years but we have to know how to do it...THAT is what I hate all the stupid shit we have to know when they are telling us we will never use it and this stuff is 90% of what they talk about what is up with that... between having to make up holidays and the countless times they schedule shit for us on our days off I am really starting to not like them at all

I am going to go get motivated maybe...I think a night laying on the couch not doing shit sounds pretty damn good so tonight isn't looking too productive but I don't give a damn


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