Nursing Stress

My take on nursing one day at a time

Friday, January 13, 2006

~first week~

First week went by just as I thought it would....very smooth!!! I passed checking off on all the skills (the most stressful thing E.V.E.R. it doesn't matter how well you know these skills the anxiety is a major pain just having someone watch your every move waiting on you to make any little mistake) It doesn't look too bad this semester at all. The two instructors I have both seem very nice one could be a comedian in my opinion she was so funny it was such a change from the rest that teach there. Clinicals start next thursday and friday...a medical floor and pediatrics. Its going by sooo fast I can't wait until May! I'm planning a trip to celebrate graduation any suggestions on somewhere to go???


  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger Nurse2B said…

    I'll be going back to school next week, so I am with you there. I am looking forward to it now. Hmm, where to go.... How about Yosemite Valley.... or maybe some nice island somewhere? What do you like to do? Outdoor stuff or Beach or culture,etc... There are so many options!


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