Nursing Stress

My take on nursing one day at a time

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

~Its almost here~

On my way home today I got a familar feeling. This feeling I have only had once before and that was when I was about to graduate high school. It is a feeling of such accomplisment. Its a feeling of knowing something new and big is going to happen, these feelings have already started building up. Two and a half years ago I couldn't even picture being almost finished with college much less nursing school. I really had no idea what it would be like and to be honest I didn't think it would be that bad but oh how we can be wrong sometimes. Nursing school has been such a journey. I have learnt so much about myself. I have learned that I can do things when I put my mind to it, I can do anything even if it means pushing through the pain and dealing with all the stress. I remember the first semester, its funny to look at the first semester students now because I know they are so eager and have no clue what is in store for them. When my class was first beginning we were all fresh, we thought it was so horrible to have to do things we didn't necessarily like. Our school has made us tough, we have kept going when things have been ever so gloomy. I learned I have lots of strenght and passion. Without certain qualities you would have such a hard time to get through things. I remember taking anatomy in a session class which means you take a years worth of anatomy in just four months. I remember me and my friend studying on Sundays and thinking it couldn't get any harder than this, and in all reality it really hasn't been that much harder. Taking those anatomy classes in four months focusing ONLY on anatomy has really helped in nursing classes. It taught us we had to focus and study because we had no time to waste those four months. Either we got the information on our own and held onto the information or we were left behind. In our nursing classes it is up to you to put the effort into making yourself good grades. The material and help is there anytime you want to take advantage of it. I have had some bad feelings with my nursing school in the past few months, but I realize now everything they do is for a person, They have made us into strong intelligent individuals who are already becoming great nurses. In class now it is much different than that first semester, we are no longer fresh and eager to do any and everything. Now when you look at our class you can see the hours of study time and clinicals we are wore out and I'm so glad its almost over. Today I started feeling like a new beginning was coming and it sure is. May is coming ever so fast, I can only hope the next two years in this new adventure is as good as it has been these past two years. It may be hard but I have developed so much confidence in myself and have gained 50 new best friends :)


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